Lifestyles of the Flat Broke and Resilient

How to Save Yourself From
Poverty, Shame, Homelessness & Hunger

Have you run into serious financial problems?

I have Been There Too

In this book I will share my story and tell you how I reclaimed financial stability.

Ten years ago, I lost everything. My house, my job, my car, and honestly, my self-respect. This was after working my way out of poverty once before.

The things that most people don’t tell you about poverty is what measures you must take to get by and how emotionally devastating it is. They don’t tell you how others will treat you.

You can find plenty of books full of snappy answers and what you “should” do and how if you just work hard enough everything will be fine. Those books aren’t written by someone who has been there.

This book is about doing what you have to do to survive.

what's In the Book?

Here’s what you’ll find in Lifestyles of the Flat Broke and Resilient

Figuring out how bad it is

You can't fix it if you don't know how bad the financial damage is. This book will show you how to figure out exactly how bad your situation is.

Talking to your Family

It takes communication and effort from the entire family to resolve serious financial problems. You can't go it alone. Here's how to talk about it.

How others may treat you

One thing that is out of your control is the way that other people may treat you when you are having financial problems. It helps to understand why they behave this way.

Strategies for Housing

You may be in a position where homelessness is a threat. Learn what to do when you can't meet your rent or mortgage payments.

Strategies for Staying Fed

Keeping your family fed is an urgent mission that doesn't go away. Learn how to make your food go further and how to acquire food when you're broke.

Dealing with Creditors

Learn how to effectively speak to those whom you owe money, and how to handle those pesky bill collectors. Know what the limitiations are on legal actions.

This book is different

This isn’t my usual cheerful advice. It’s not pretty, warm, or friendly. It’s an ugly topic that nobody wants to talk about but that more people than ever are facing.


For the first time, I’ve written about my own dirty little secrets, about the desperation and the shame that goes hand in hand with losing everything.

I wrote about some dark, difficult times I experienced over the years during which I had to make terrible decisions. I’m going to share some memories that are not ones I treasure. In fact, they’re things I pushed to the back of my mind because they were humiliating or painful.

I hope that it helps you realize you aren’t alone. I hope that it demonstrates that this time you may be going through, as hard as it is, will not last forever and that things will one day get better.

This isn’t advice for folks who are just down a few hundred bucks a month. It’s for people who are truly desperate. It’s for those who are trying their best to keep the lights on, some food in their bellies, and a roof over their heads.

This advice is not neatly packaged in a cheerful format.

It’s not a gentle entry into frugal living. It’s about what to do when you are afraid you and your family will be homeless within a short period of time. It’s about what to do when you literally have no food – not just no food that you like – no food.

I want you to know that I really, truly, understand what you are going through. I want you to know that I had these dreadful experiences, but I got through it. I got through it by doing what I needed to do. I got through it, and you can too.

Get your copy today and get Back on the road to financial security

·        Part One of the book focuses on the painful stuff: taking responsibility for your situation, figuring out where you’re at, talking with your family about your situation, and handling your emotions.

·        Part Two is about what to do. Consider it a tool box. Each job does not require every tool in the box. Pick and choose the tools you need.

·        Part Three is about the details – specific information about specific financial categories with which you must deal.

·        Part Four is about putting all this information together. I wanted to share my story and tell you where I’ve been and where it took me. can save yourself.

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