
History Lessons From Selco: The Anatomy of a Slow-Burning SHTF

(2 customer reviews)

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $35.00.

By Selco Begovic

What really happened to bring about Balkanization in the former Yugoslavia? A survivor of the Balkan war that erupted talks about what came before the war…and how that bears a strong resemblance to things going on today. You have to understand what precipitated it to truly comprehend the path we’re heading down and Selco outlines it in brutal detail in this on-demand webinar. As well, he shares some unpopular advice to survive the days ahead. Your purchase includes the complete written transcript that you can download and print out.

2 reviews for History Lessons From Selco: The Anatomy of a Slow-Burning SHTF

  1. James Sceats (verified owner)

    How do I submit a question?

  2. mhandels (verified owner)

    Very good information. Per the History Lessons With Selco: The Anatomy of a Slow-Burning SHTF, email your questions to [email protected]

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